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User's Guide

CARiDRO. An online Tool for Drought  Assessment


Abel Centella, Arnoldo Bezanilla, Alejandro Vichot and Malena Silva


A User's Guide of
Develop, description and use of the Caribbean Assessment Regional Drought (CARiDRO), a web-base online tool to facilitate the development of assessment of drought events at regional and grid point levels using modelled and observed base datasets



Contents.............................................................................................. 2
1 Summary .......................................................................................... 3
1.1 Context of this User's Guide ............................................................. 3
2   General description of the CARiDRO tool.............................................. 3
3   Using the CARiDRO tool .................................................................... 4
3.1 Producing Maps of drought statistics and other graphic information ...... 6
3.2 Area average or one grid point outputs ............................................. 8
3.3 Latitude/Longitude cross sections ..................................................... 10
4  Practical examples of drought assessment ........................................... 11
4.1 Comparing the model outputs and observation in representing the drought process characteristics .......................................................................... 12
4.2 Assessing the effects of climate change on drought process ................ 13
4.3 Using the SPEI to represent the drought process ............................... 15
5   Acknowledgements .......................................................................... 17

6   References ...................................................................................... 17

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